Sunday, March 30, 2008

My baby turned ONE

I can't beleive it's been a year! No- we aren't planning number 2 anytime soon. We want to enjoy her and get some other things in order. I got this idea from a few friends... I thought I would share some her pictures from the year.

one month

One month... she was so tiny
3 months... starting to fill out
6 months... what a HAM

6 months
What a mess
Valentine's Day

She LOVES to brush her teeth!!


A little late posting...

Ok, so I am a week behind on posting Easter pics. She had a great time finding her first basket. She went right to it and started unpacking it!!! We spent the morning with just us three and the afternoon with my family at my parents house. It is so nice having family around to spend time with.

Easter Dress
She had a little trouble finding her eggs!

Friday, March 14, 2008

She is so much fun

Time goes by way to fast. I know when you are pregnant people are always telling you how fast it goes, but until you have a child you don't realize how fast it really does go by! Presley is almost a year and she is doing new things everyday!
She LOVES the phone! This is her with Grandma Pat.
Walking with the lion.. no steps on her own, but she is close.
This ball pit was the best $15 I spent. We gave it to her for Christmas and she has so much FUN! She LOVES it. That's her with her buddy (cousin) Dominik.

Grandma and the grandkids... Dominik, Presley and Madeleine.

Sunday, March 2, 2008


For those of you who can't see her "grow-up"...

This may seem gross, but....

Last night I was giving her a bath... she started tooting, then pushing... so I plopped her onto the toilet and...
this is what she did!!!!!!
Then she wanted back in the tub to play. I know it's kinda icky, but FUNNY!!!!

Daddy time

She loves to play with the exercise ball. This picture isn't very good with her eyes, but it shows how excited she gets!!!
Standing alone!
Presley and Daddy

First Teeth

Presley is 11 months and just got her first tooth popping through... a couple days after that the second one on the bottom started popping! Between the two pictures, you should be able to make out the two "tefers"