Sunday, March 30, 2008
A little late posting...
Ok, so I am a week behind on posting Easter pics. She had a great time finding her first basket. She went right to it and started unpacking it!!! We spent the morning with just us three and the afternoon with my family at my parents house. It is so nice having family around to spend time with.
Friday, March 14, 2008
She is so much fun
Time goes by way to fast. I know when you are pregnant people are always telling you how fast it goes, but until you have a child you don't realize how fast it really does go by! Presley is almost a year and she is doing new things everyday! She LOVES the phone! This is her with Grandma Pat.
Walking with the lion.. no steps on her own, but she is close.
This ball pit was the best $15 I spent. We gave it to her for Christmas and she has so much FUN! She LOVES it. That's her with her buddy (cousin) Dominik.
Grandma and the grandkids... Dominik, Presley and Madeleine.