Saturday, August 29, 2009

Life in the fast lane

Go Devils!!!!
Dress Up

This summer has FLOWN by... Presley made a lot of adjustments this summer... moving into her new house, being potty trained, stopping the use of her "fy" (pacifier), adjusting to a new man in the house (Mommy's Matt)... next step... DANCING!!! She will be starting dance on the 14th of September!!!

Monday, August 3, 2009

ZOO and Wedding

Congratulations to my cousins... Brandon and Angie... Their wedding was beautiful. Presley had a great time dancing at the reception. She outlasted me!!!


Presley, Heather, and Matt

Beautiful little girl

New house, Big Girl Potty, and more

WOW-- It has been a long time since I have updated this! We have been busy. Presley and I moved into our house July 17th and have been busy unpacking since then. She loves her new house! She has her own room and her own toy room! She now sleeps through the night and is almost potty trained!!! (only diapers is a night). She LOVES to go big girl potty and makes a HUGE deal about it!!! It is nice to go to Sam's Club and NOT buy diapers.

This is the front of our new house!
She is getting so big.

My family all went to Wis Dells at the end of June. My niece danced there, so we all went to watch and play!!! Here is Presley being a goof. She loved being in the water.

Mommy met a new friend... his name is Matt and he has become one of the family. He actually moved in with us! I know it seems early, but when things are right... ya just know!! :)

Monday, May 25, 2009

Lots to update

I have been terrible at updating this... so here we go--- the past 6 weeks. :) Presley and I are moving out of my parents house!!! We bought a new townhouse about 3.5 miles from my parents. Projected closing date is July 17th!!! We are super excited for our new house!
I ran my first 5K!!! I actually ran the whole thing. It was for the Susan Komen breast cancer on Mother's Day. I was amazed and moved by the number of people who were there to run! Below is the group I ran with... Shannan, me, Tiffany and Aimee.
Presley, John, and I flew to Arizona at the beginning of May. Presley actually spent the whole time with her dad and his family and had an amazing time with them!!! She went swimming and played with baby Grant and Andrew... got to know her aunts and uncle and grandma Linda!!! She talks about the airplane all the time! I hung out with an old college buddy and saw some great friends from high school!!

Below-- she was getting ready to go to the zoo with her dad!

Dominik's graduation from preschool

Recently, she fought another ear infection. This one was BAD... drainage for 8 days, 4 different antibiotics (oral and ear)... finally it's undercontrol. Poor kid!

First time on the lawn mower with Papa.

Shaking her booty!

That's all for now. Hope are all enjoying your Spring!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring has Sprung

I never thought playing outside would be so much fun! My parents have spoiled the grandkids again... they bought a wooden playhouse for the kids to play on. Of course, Presley has to have her dolphin swing up. She loves to swing and like going "higher and higher."
Do you think she needs help getting to the slide??? Nope... she goes up the rock wall and down the slide all alone!

See Mom... I don't need you!

My baby girl is growing up, but she is still a goofball! She has the best personality.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

My Dora Birthday Party

Mommy gave me a Dora the Explorer birthday party yesterday. We had it in the garage because it was cold outside, but it was still lots of fun.

Mommy spent 5 hours making this cake for me!!! It tasted really yummy and it made me all blue!!!
My second cousin, Lauren, helped mommy. She came all the way from Iowa to help her. She made the cupcakes pretty! Those were yummy too!
I got to eat with my friends and cousins. We had pizza and fruit and CHIPS...
I didn't really get why there was a Dora hanging from the ceiling and then I pulled a rope and candy fell out. HMMMMM.... Oh well, I got my sucker

Me and my friends playing in me new house... Oh and Maisy, the puppy, was there too!!!
This is the car me papa and grammy gave to me. I can do it by myself.

Yesterday was so much fun! Boy was I poopered last night... so was mommy!

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Her new house

We decided to get Presley a play house for her birthday. She was with me when we picked it out... from the store it went into the garage in the box. Since MN has amazing weather, we had to keep it in the box for a few days. Everytime we walked past the box..."me house, papa build me house??" So cute... she spent last weekend with John and while there, Papa built her house and left it in the garage- because of the weather... she saw it and screamed... "ME HOUSE... PAPA BUILD ME HOUSE" She was so excited and LOVES it!

Wednesday, April 1, 2009


My life changed for the best two years ago... my baby girl was born. I can't believe she is two! I will post more later with some pictures...

Happy Birthday, Scooter!!! (love, Mommy)

Sunday, March 15, 2009

Long time catch up

I don't know where time goes, but gesh... Spring is finally in the air and I can't be more excited. I took Presley outside today and she was in heaven!!! Running around, swinging, and just playing. It was very nice!

A little update- Presley is almost 2!!! She is growing like crazy- learning new words all the time. Last weekend, my parents and I took the three kids (Presley and my niece and nephew) to Disney on Ice. It was so fun! We had amazing seats and the kids LOVED it. I can't wait to go to DisneyWorld with them!!!

NEMO.... this is Presley's favorite

Waiting for it to start

My goofball!!!!

That's all for now-- I will get more detail up in a bit.

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Been a long time

Life has been a bit crazy for us lately. January was a rough month of health, again. Presley got her tubes put in on the 19th, a week later she ended up with Croup... which lead to a doc visit then an ER visit due to her breathing. Then two days later, another doc appt... this time she has croup, a viral infection AND an ear infection... gesh... can we ever get a break??? She is doing much better now, still has a stinkin cough and one of her ear tubes is blocked from the infection, but overall she is doing much better.

I am been busy with work- moving into a new position and taking on more responsibilities. I also joined a gym and got a personal trainer. I am doing this along side a friend from work! Hoping for big results... so far so good :)

It's looking like the divorce should be final here in the next month. Things with John and I are ok. We have decent communication and Presley gets to see him atleast once a week.
We are finally starting to get outside... it has been FREEZING cold. We had 5 mornings in a row of NEGATIVE 20 or below!!! The parts of MN I HATE!!!

Just some pics of Presley...

Yes she has a "fi"-- it was the comfort during the illness.. now it's time to hide it!! :)

Her favorite... dishes with Papa